Thank you for purchasing PhotoDisc VOLUME 9: Holidays and Celebrations.
It is our goal to deliver the finest photography available anywhere to our valued customers.
Ñ Images 1-336 in LO RES TIFF and HI RES JPEG formats
Ñ LIGHTBOX¬ CATALOG displaying all 336 images contained on Vol 9 PhotoDisc
Ñ LIGHTBOX¬ PHOTODISC LIBRARY CATALOGS of Signature Series 1-12, Object Series 1-12, and Volumes 1-24
This CD ROM contains every image pictured in the Volume 9 printed catalog. Also included is a comprehensive image browsing utility called LIGHTBOX¬. This allows you to view the images on-screen and to perform searches by a number of different criteria.
You may access the images directly from the CD ROM within the PHOTOS folder. The low resolution TIFF files are found in the LO RES folder and are ready for import into any popular graphic design or page layout application. The high resolution JPEG images are found in the HI RES folder. JPEG images must be decompressed and then saved to your hard drive as a TIFF. The saved TIFF file can then be imported into other applications in the same fashion as a low resolution image.
Decompressing JPEG images:
Ñ If you own Adobe Photoshop¬ 2.5 or newer, you can simply use the OPEN command under the file menu. The latest versions of Photoshop have a built-in JPEG decompression module that supports the JPEG file format. When prompted to select a file, you may open a JPEG file directly off the disc. Once decompressed, the image can be saved as a TIFF to your hard drive. The decompressed image will be approximately 10Mb.
Ñ If you don't have a recent version of Adobe Photoshop¬ or any other imaging software that supports the JPEG file format, you may use a stand-alone decompression utility called PICTURE DECOMPRESS¬ found in the UTILITIES folder. This program must be copied to your hard drive and requires a minimum of 15,000k of free RAM to decompress a 10mb file. If your Macintosh does not have at least 15mb of free RAM you may need to allocate 15,000k of free disk space as Virtual Memory in your MEMORY Control Panel. JPEG files can then be opened using the OPEN command under the FILE menu and saved as a TIFF to your hard drive. You may now open the file in any imaging software that supports TIFF or PICT files. If your intended use is 150 LPI printed output, make sure that the decompressed HI RES image is tagged at a resolution of 300 PPI before sending it to output.
COOL STUFF! - Included on this disc is a free copy of Adobe Acrobat and a PhotoDisc Acrobat file called COOL STUFF! which lists in detail PhotoDisc products and special pricing! To access this file, simply double click on the icon found in the READ ME FIRST! folder.
VOL 9 CATALOG - This is a Lightbox¬ Catalog that allows you to preview all of the images contained in this volume. For further instructions, see the Lightbox¬ Manual in the Lightbox folder.
PHOTOS - Contains two versions of every image.
LO RES - Contains all of the low resolution (72 PPI) RGB TIFF images of Volume 9. These can be used for on-screen viewing and comps.
HI RES - Contains all of the high resolution (300 PPI) JPEG compressed RGB TIFF images of Volume 9. These files may be used for high quality 4-color printing.
MORE RESOURCES - Contains optional resource files.
LIGHTBOX¬ - The Lightbox¬ application for the Macintosh allows the user to browse and search through the 336 images available on this disc. To view Volume 9 thumbnails double-click on the VOL 9 CATALOG icon.
You may run the VOL 9 CATALOG directly from the CD but it will run more efficiently if the Lightbox application and the VOL 9 CATALOG are copied to your hard drive. The application will run only if Quicktime¬ is installed in the System Folder. Simply drag and drop the Quicktime¬ icon on to the closed System Folder and restart your computer. If your computer currently has Quicktime¬ installed, you need not install the copy found on this disc.
This folder also contains reference material in MS Word 4.0 and TeachText¬ format for the Lightbox¬ browsing application.
PHOTODISC LIBRARY - This folder contains three Lightbox¬ catalogs. The Signature Series 1-12 catalog features all of the images (1200) currently available in the Signature Series. Object Series 1-12 features all of the images (1387) currently available in the Object Series. The other catalog file contains a sampling (10 images from each volume) of other currently available PhotoDisc Volumes 1-24.
MORE INFO - This folder contains three helpful text files. They are OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS, COMMON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, and GLOSSARY OF TERMS. These files are provided for technical reference. If you have further questions, please feel free to call our Technical Support Department at the number listed below.
UTILITIES - This folder contains PICTUREDECOMPRESS, TEACHTEXT, ADOBE ACROBAT installer and ADOBE PHOTOSHOP TRYOUT. The tryout version of Photoshop¬ is included only as a demo only. Files can not be saved or printed with this version.
TEXTFILE - Contains a text file which lists Filename, Title, Credits, Information and Keywords for each VOL 9 image.
Ñ Mac II family of computers or greater
Ñ Minimum of 5 Mb free RAM
Ñ Quicktime¬ version 1.5 or newer
Ñ System 7 or newer
Ñ 32-bit Quickdraw installed or available on the mother board
If there is anything we can do to make our product more useful to you, please let us know. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with our product, you may return it within thirty days of purchase for a full refund.
Please review our end-user license agreement carefully to ensure that your intended use complies with our usage guidelines. We want our customers to USE our discs as often as possible, yet we need to protect the rights of our photographers. If you have any particular questions about usage, please do not hesitate to call us for clarification.
Thank you for choosing PhotoDisc-The Leader in Digital Stock Photography.